

 So, most of us know about the conflicts between Israel and Palestine , but we didn't know the thousands years of history behind it. so today, I am going to write about what this conflict actually is — HISTORY — we all know that Jesus , was born in Jerusalem which is in today's Israel. Christians and many other religions hated Jewish from many centuries because, they believe that Jews crucified jejus and many more reasons. jews were scattered all over the world, but after 1800 AD, this hatred towards Jews grew very much so, all around the World Jews thought that they should make their own country as the Jews country and live there. One Austrio-Hungarian journalist THEODOR HERZL published a pamplet in 1896 in which ,he wrote about new political movement which was ZIONISM — this means Jews should get their on country. 1881- because of these moments first large scale migration was seen in 1881 in which many Jews came together and settled in area of Palestine. they choose this area


  Today we are going to discuss BIOGRAPHY OF Julius Caesar- Julius Caesar was a Roman general and politician who named himself dictator of the Roman Empire . His reign was 81- 45 BC. here are the facts about him- • Julius was born in rome on July 12 , 100 BC. His father GAIUS CAESAR was governed province of asia. Very little is recorded from Julius childhood. When he was 16, his father died. • FIRST TRIUMVIRATE - in 63 BC he ran for election to the post of Pontifex Maximus,chief priest of Roman religion. Strategic alliance among Julius Caesar, marcus licinius, crassus and pompey came to be known as first triumvirate. At the same time Julius was governing under pompey, he alligned himself with Crassus - who was Roman general and politician who served valiantly during sulla's rule. • Crassus and Pompey , however were intense rivals. Caesar earned  trust of both and convincing them they would be better suited as Allice instead of enemies. Caesar was a claimed imperator in 60 and 45 BC


 Napoleon was a great war general and commander of France under his rule France controlled Spain and Portugal. His reign was 1795–1815 . He defeated Russia , Austria many times . Let's discuss some of his life facts Napoleon Bonaparte was born on 15th August 1769 in corsica, France. His father was an attorney who went to be named corsica’s representative to the court of Louis 16th in 1777. We are going to discuss about facts of Napoleon Bonaparte- He was romanticly involved with Josephine de beaurharnais (former mistress of barras) , Although, he had many wives but he loved Josephine the most but he could not have children with Josephine because she was not able to conceive. • Russia, Austria and Britain coallied six times to defeat Napoleon but they could not. Napoleon defeated Russia, Austria many times. Spain and Portugal was in his control. • He was short heighted. But he was a great warrior and one of the greatest war general in the human history. • His greatest mistake in lif


 SOCRATES WAS THE MOST EXEMPLARY AND THE STRANGEST OF ALL GREEK PHILOSOPHERS. He was born in Athens in 469 to 468 BC. He was not from noble family. His way of teaching— His Style of teaching immortalized as a socratic method —involved not conveying knowledge but rather asking questions, and after clarifying question until his students arrived at their own understanding. He wrote nothing about himself, show all that is known as by disciple PLATO. Facts about Socrates— SOCRATES was a critic of democracy. He was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and sentenced to death. He spent his final days in company office friends before drinking the executioner’s cup of poisonous hemlock in 399 BC. His last words were to CRITO That “please do not forget to pay the debt". His ultimate philosophy was that ultimate Wisdom is knowing oneself. According to Plato, Socrates was short heighted with a snub nose and bulging eyes. He also participated in the pelloponnessian war (431 to 404 BC) for


  Today we are going to discuss about 5 psychological facts about depression - 1.   Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. 2. Boredom Causes to overthink. people who are busy in their works are less depressed. 3. Feeling ignored causes, the same chemical effects as that of an injury. 4. A depressed woman is more likely to give birth early, increasing health risks for both woman and baby. around 15% of pregnant women experience some kind of depression disorder. 5. Crying Reduces stress and depression. •  MY VIEWS -  the 5th fact is so true and very helpful for both men and women. (But we should cry and alone because most people take benefits when you cry in front of them). Crying is a bless/boon not a curse. Hope you find this article helpful. Image credit -


         So, many of you thought that how this vast country got the name -  INDIA. It also had many other names in past, we will discuss about them all. OTHER NAMES - India has been one of the important land in the history. It has diversified cultures, religions, languages and practice. It had many other names in past like - a. BHARATA -  also called Bharat-varsha , originate from the name Bharat - the son of Dushyant, who is the forefather of the Pandavas and kauravas , which are mentioned in the epic 'Mahabharat'. b. JAMBUDWEEP -  this name is used in ancient literature, scriptures and still used ocasionally in southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Bali, Thailand, etc. c. ARYAVARTA - means the land of Aryans, so referring to Indo-Aryan tribe. d. TENJIKU - this name of INDIA is known by very few people. It is a word of Chinese origin. Which means the land of five geographical regions -these are Northern, Southern, Western, eastern and Central India. This name was given by


Today we are going to read about 5 amazing facts about our favourite Matt Leblanc (Joey) . 1. AUDITION OF FRIENDS - very few of us know this fact that when Joey was audition for friends he had only 11 Dollars with him. He had decided, if he could not get a role in this show he would quit acting and go back to his home. Fortunately, all of us know what happened after that. 2. JOEY WENT TO LA - friends ended with separating all of 6 in their own ways with the promise of keeping in touch. Monica and Chandler married  leading happy life with their babies, Rachel and Ross got together again,Pheobe was happy married with mike. This left Joey alone without happy ending  so ,he went to los Angeles to pursue his acting career. 3. FULL NAME -  Joseph Francis Tribbiani Jr. Was Joey's Full name . But most of us oftenly know him as Joey. 4. RELATIONSHIP - Joey tribbiani's character in the show inhas shown 17 sexual partners over 10 Which 23.5% are long lasting relationships. 5.