Today we are going to discuss BIOGRAPHY OF Julius Caesar-

Julius Caesar was a Roman general and politician who named himself dictator of the Roman Empire . His reign was 81- 45 BC. here are the facts about him-
• Julius was born in rome on July 12 , 100 BC. His father GAIUS CAESAR was governed province of asia. Very little is recorded from Julius childhood. When he was 16, his father died.
• FIRST TRIUMVIRATE - in 63 BC he ran for election to the post of Pontifex Maximus,chief priest of Roman religion. Strategic alliance among Julius Caesar, marcus licinius, crassus and pompey came to be known as first triumvirate. At the same time Julius was governing under pompey, he alligned himself with Crassus - who was Roman general and politician who served valiantly during sulla's rule.
• Crassus and Pompey , however were intense rivals. Caesar earned  trust of both and convincing them they would be better suited as Allice instead of enemies. Caesar was a claimed imperator in 60 and 45 BC. Julius fought election as consul in 59 BC along with two other candidates, Caesar won. With help office political allies, Julius was appointed to govern- Northern Italy, South East Europe with south france later added. 
• CIVIL WAR (WITH POMPEY) - caesar  tried to get pompey support my offering him with great niece in marriage, but Pompey the declined. In 53 BC, crassus was killed leading a failed invasion of East. Rome was on the brink of civil war. Pompey was appointed sole condul as an emergency measure and married the daughter of a political rival of Julius, the triumvirate was finished.
• in 50 BC , senate/consul order Julius to disbandh his army and return to rome because his term as governor had finished. Julius thought he would be killed if entered ROME without immunity enjoyed by a magistrate. pompey accused Julius of insubordination and treason.

• on 10th January 49 BC Caesar crossed the rubican river and ignited civil war. Pompey attack on Julius inspite of outnumbering pompey was defeated by Julius. but Pompey managed to escape before Caesar could capture him. Heading for Spain, Julius left Italy under control of Mark Antony. Julius defeated pompey's lieutenants, then return to East to challenge pompy in lyria
•  in July 48 BC in battle of dyrrachium , Julius avoided a catastrophic defeat. later that year, he defeated pompey at pharsalus in Greece. In rome, he was appointed dictator with Mark Antony as his master of horses. Means second in command.

• CLEOPATRA- Caesar than pursued pompey to Egypt, here Julius was presented with pompey's dead head. Caesar than became involved with an Egyptian civil war between child pharaoh and his sister and coregent Queen Cleopatra. 
• Julius helped Cleopatra, by defeating child pharaoh's army at battle of Nile in 47 BC and installed Cleopatra as ruler. Julius and Cleopatra did not married but they were in love and they also had son- Caeserion.
• DICTATORSHIP- Julius on his return to Rome, was made dictator for life and hailed as father of country.
He constructed 2  cities - Cathrage and Corinth. Which were destroyed by his predecessors. Julius also invited some of his defeated rivals to join him in government.
• on Julius on his return to Italy in September 45 BC, he filed his bill to his grandnephew AUGUSTUS CAESAR as his principal heir. Julius also made a new constitution of Rome.
• JULIAN CALENDAR- however his most important change was his reform of calendar, calender regulated then by movement of moon and this had left it in a mess.
Julius replaced this calendar with Egyptian calendar which was regulated by sun. He set the length of the year to 365.25 days by adding an leap day at the end of February every 4th year.thus, Romanian calendar opened on 1st January 45 BC. This calendar is almost identical to Western calendar.
• HIS DEATH- on 15 March of 45 BC Caesar was due to appear at session of senate. Several senators had conspired to kill him. As Julius arrived at senate,
tilias Timber presented a petition to recall his Exiled brother. Other conspirators crowded around to show support. Within few moments entire group including Brutus and casca was striking out at dictator. Around 60 man participated in his death and he was striked with knife 23 times.
• AFTER DEATH - Julius became the first Roman figure to be deified/worshipped . Senate also gave him title of 'divine Julius'.
AUGUSTUS CAESAR (octavian)take  power in 27 BC and became emperor of Rome after defeating rebels like Mark antony, Brutus and cassius.
Mark Antony and her wife Cleopatra both suicided and Egypt their love affair was started in 41 BC.

Hope you find this biography of Julius Caesar interesting.

Images credit- gettyimages.in


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